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Tracey Derrick Photographer South Africa


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Mary Burton, 1994 - human rights activist and president of the Black Sash from 1986 - 1990.
Ray Alexander, 1994 - Veteran trade union activist, founder member of FEDSAW. Returned from exile in 1990.
Connie September, 1994 - Trade Unionist, member of SACTWU and COSATU Executive, Western Cape.
ANC Rappers, 1994 - Anthea Pandy, Hajira Arnold, Begham Pandy, Zubeida Brey, Mariam Jaffer.
Nyame Goniwe, 1994 - widow of Mathew Goniwe who died in 1985, active in United Democratic Front, now working in community development.
Side by Side

Women's involvement in the historic 1994 election

The project arose from a concern I had to document women's involvement in the historic 1994 election and what it would mean to women. I invited Primrose Talakumeni and Mavis Mthandeki to join me and they became my apprentices.

We received encouragement and contributions, equipment and a camera from Maggie Murray of Format, (the women's photography agency in London). The Mayibuye Centre provided materials, a space to exhibit, and support throughout.

We put this exhibition together in the hectic four months around the election period, photographing and interviewing women at all times of the day - while they were at work, their homes, and when they were between meetings. We all learned a great deal from these experiences and interactions. It was a dynamic process, recording our history, through these women activists.

The women represented in the exhibition are just a few of many remarkable people who have sacrificed so much in the struggle for peace and democracy in South Africa.

Tracey Derrick
July 1994

Solo Exhibition

* October 1994 The Association of Photographers, first women photographer to exhibit, Maputo, Moçambique.

Group Exhibitions

* December 1993 "Women in Concert", Rape Crisis Benefit, Cape Town.
* June 1994 "Celebration of Democracy", Mayibuye Centre, University of Western Cape, Cape Town.
* September 1995 IVth United Nations World Conference on Women, Beijing, China.
* October 1995 People's Portraits Project - photograph from Side by Side selected from national competition, South African National Gallery, Cape Town.